
Cruelty Inside Canada’s Largest Pet Ferret Mill

Troubling undercover footage reveals the dire consequences of unregulated pet breeding.

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Pigs Screaming & Stabbed on the Kill Floor: The Truth About “Happy” Meat

Secretly-recorded footage from a pig slaughterhouse shows appalling conditions and blatant violations of animal protection laws. The video is the first undercover look at pig slaughter in Canada.

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Save Boogie: Lonely Monkey Self Harms at Roadside Zoo

Boogie has been languishing for years at Bervie Zoo, and should be sent to a sanctuary right away.

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Flying Above the Law: Inside Canadian Horses’ Long Journey to Japan

For the first-time ever, Animal Justice has filmed start-to-finish flights of horses leaving Canada, and landing in Japan. The investigation shows a shocking pattern of lawlessness, with most journeys going well over the 28-hour time limit for transporting horses without food, water, or rest.

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Exposed: The Dark Reality of Bull Riding

This cruel form of entertainment comes at the expense of terrified animals.

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Caged Cruelty: Hidden-Camera Footage Shows Hens Suffering in Egg Farm Cages

The first undercover investigation of the Canadian egg industry in years shows that little has changed—hens are still languishing inside cramped wire cages, despite growing calls from the public for the industry to go cage-free.

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Caviar Cruelty: Sturgeons Stabbed & Slaughtered

Animal Justice releases Canada’s first-ever undercover investigation at a fish farm, and the world’s first insider look at the caviar industry.

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Exposed Again: Abused, Injured, & Rotting Pigs at Excelsior Hog Farm

A factory pig farm in Abbotsford, BC has been outed once again on hidden-camera for illegal abuse.

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New Hidden-Camera Footage: Undercover at a Dog Hunting Pen

Animal Justice exposes the brutal truth about penned dog hunting in Ontario.

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Botched Killings & Violent Abuse at “Humane” Meat Slaughterhouse

Undercover footage from a BC abattoir shows there’s no such thing as humane slaughter.

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Crisis of Cruelty in Canada’s Zoos

Animal Justice conducted the largest-ever investigation of Canadian zoos, revealing widespread suffering, injuries, death, and troubling threats to public safety.

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Undercover Images Reveal Suffering Animals on Quebec Fur Farms

Animal Justice released disturbing images taken at the last remaining fox fur farm in Quebec.

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Cows Violently Beaten at Organic Dairy Farm in BC

Animal Justice released shocking new video footage that shows a pattern of abuse and cruelty at an organic dairy farm in Abbotsford, British Columbia. The footage was shot in 2021 at Cedar Valley, an organic dairy farm, and was sent anonymously to Animal Justice.

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Pigs Beaten, Kicked, & Suffering at Ontario Farm

This hidden-camera investigation from Paragon Farms is the last legally-obtained undercover footage from an Ontario animal farm.

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