
Read the latest news from the fight for stronger laws and better enforcement for animals in Canada.

Animal Justice In Court to Protect Vegans from Discrimination

This case could determine whether ethical veganism is a protected “creed” under Ontario human rights law.

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Horse Slaughterhouse Convicted & Fined After Horses Left to Suffer

Owner of Canada’s largest horse slaughterhouse convicted after facing twelve charges for July 2021 animal cruelty incident.

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Johnston’s Meats Barred from Using Electric Prods Following Undercover Video

Undercover footage shows pigs desperately trying to escape, being stunned improperly and cut open while still conscious.

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The Latest Data: How Many Fishes Does Canada Kill Annually?

In 2022, over 10.1 billion aquatic animals were killed for food in Canada—more than 12 times the number of land animals.

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Impact Report: See How You Helped Make A Difference For Animals In 2024!

2024 was our most impactful year yet—together, we strengthened animal protection laws, exposed cruelty, and held industries accountable for harming animals.

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Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association Bans Painful Tail Docking of Dogs

The MVMA has now added tail docking to a list of other cruel procedures that members are prohibited from performing, including ear-cropping dogs and declawing cats.

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Join Our Team! Wanted: Mobilization Manager

We seek an enthusiastic and organized self-starter to empower and mobilize supporters across Canada to take meaningful actions in support of our efforts to advance protections for animals.

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Cruelty Inside Canada’s Largest Pet Ferret Mill

Troubling undercover footage reveals the dire consequences of unregulated pet breeding.

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Animal Justice Allowed to Intervene in Groundbreaking Discrimination Case

This case raises the novel question of whether a belief in ethical veganism is a type of “creed”, a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

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Despite Efforts, BC Slaughterhouse Fails to Bury Damning Undercover Footage

Johnston’s Meats tried—and failed—to suppress hidden-camera footage of violent animal abuse and botched slaughter.

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Join Us for our Ethics in Action Event Series!

These events offer an avenue for professionals to deepen their knowledge on animal protection issues, to network with other like-minded individuals and to build community.

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Banning Live Horse Exports for Slaughter: Why the Fight Isn’t Over (Yet)

Canada’s Agriculture Minister must act now to ban live horse exports for slaughter and end this cruelty before it’s too late.

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Vancouver Locals Protest Johnston’s Pork & “Happy” Meat Lie

Johnston’s was just exposed on hidden-camera video for illegal cruelty at slaughter.

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Animal Justice 2024 Year In Review

Thank you for creating a kinder world for all animals with us.

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