Lawyers for Animal Welfare (LAW) has submitted a written deputation to the City of Toronto Licensing and Standards Committee in support of the important work carried out by Toronto Animal Services (TAS).
To read the deputation click HERE.
The Committee has been tasked with studying a number of potential budget cuts to TAS identified by the City’s consulting firm KPMG.
Specifically, the Committee has been asked to consider:
• Outsourcing/privatizing some or all of TAS;
• Decreasing the level of service for emergency animal rescue calls, such that response time could be greater than two hours;
• Requiring owners to deliver animals to the shelter if they wish to surrender the animals, instead of picking them up;
• Cancelling the cat and dog licensing program.
LAW is concerned that these budget cuts, if implemented, will harm animals.
Lawyers for Animal Welfare (LAW) is an incorporated Registered Charity dedicated to advancing public knowledge of animal practices and preventing the abuse and killing of animals through the enforcement of existing laws.
Tax deductible donations can be made on the website using credit card or PayPal at: or by contacting the organization to make alternative arrangements.
For more information contact LAW at: info AT