Animal Justice Canada calls upon Melanie L. Aiken, Commissioner of Competition, to conduct an inquiry into Burnbrae Farms Limited’s use of the term “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” in the marketing of its eggs.
The term “Nestlaid”, or in French “À l’ancienne” (meaning “old fashioned style” or “traditional”), evokes a positive image of hens being free to engage in natural nesting behaviours.
Contrary to this common understanding, photographs of hens producing “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” eggs reveal that the living conditions are similar to ordinary battery cages. Photographs of hens producing “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” eggs may be viewed on the Burnbrae Farms website HERE.
Deceptive marketing practices are an offence under Part VII.1 of the Competition Act, RSC 1985, c C-34.
Accordingly, Animal Justice and 185 individuals who have added their names to the petition have asked the Commissioner of Competition to exercise her jurisdiction under the Competition Act, and commence a formal inquiry into this matter.