Articles by Kaitlyn Mitchell
Banning Live Horse Exports for Slaughter: Why the Fight Isn’t Over (Yet)
Canada’s Agriculture Minister must act now to ban live horse exports for slaughter and end this cruelty before it’s too late.
Keep ReadingRecords Expose Another Deadly Month for Canadian Horses Exported for Slaughter Overseas
Newly obtained Government of Japan records show that horses exported from Canada in June for slaughter overseas sustained serious injuries during transport.
Keep ReadingCanada Releases Strategy to Reduce & Replace Animals in Toxicity Testing
It’s time for Canada to invest in non-animal research methods.
Keep ReadingSay Neigh to Delay: Urge the Senate to Pass Bill C-355 & Ban Live Horse Export for Slaughter!
Bill C-355 is under threat and is at risk of death by delay in the Senate.
Keep ReadingTime for Manitoba to Roll Back Dangerous Ag Gag Law
Ag gag laws are designed to keep the suffering of farmed animals hidden from public view.
Keep ReadingTackling Manitoba’s Dog Overpopulation Crisis
Dogs are suffering in Manitoba amidst an overpopulation crisis.
Keep ReadingCanada Must Stop Shipping Live Horses Overseas for Slaughter, Say Leading Animal Welfare Experts
The science is clear: Canada’s live horse export industry causes suffering and distress.
Keep ReadingToxicity Testing Update: Bill S-5 Passes Committee Stage
As the bill moves through study and debate in the House of Commons, Animal Justice lawyers are working to bring in new restrictions on animal testing.
Keep ReadingPoisoning Ground Squirrels With Strychnine is Being Banned
Health Canada’s ban on products containing strychnine for use to kill Richardson’s ground squirrels does not go far enough.
Keep ReadingAnimal Justice & Coyote Watch Canada File Application for Investigation of Illegal Coyote Hunting Contest
Animal Justice and Coyote Watch Canada have filed an application for the investigation of an illegal coyote hunting contest under Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights.
Keep Reading3 Horses Collapse on Live Export Flight
The conditions of a December flight from Winnipeg to Japan were stressful, dangerous, and illegal.
Keep ReadingGovernment Petition e-4190: End the Live Export of Horses for Slaughter
Canadians are calling on the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to finally end the live export of horses for slaughter.
Keep ReadingSpeak Out Against Health Canada’s Proposal to Allow Cruel Poisons to Kill Wolves & Other Wildlife
Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that these poisons cause horrific suffering, the PMRA is proposing to continue allowing the use of strychnine and Compound 1080.
Keep ReadingAnimals at Risk as Manitoba Considers Rolling Back Cosmetic Pesticide Restrictions
Rather than allowing for the use of more toxic pesticides, Manitoba should consider ways to strengthen its existing pesticide restrictions in order to protect our environment, as well as the well-being of both humans and animals.
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